If frustration is getting the better of you in playing Competitive Mode, you can get coaching in Valorant to improve your chances of moving to higher ranks.
Not making progress in your quest to get ranked is downright frustrating but it doesn’t have to stay that way because there are Radiant-ranked Valorant gamers at WeCoach. They offer coaching services to help you improve your performance and chances of reaching the Radiant Level. It’s where you can gain cosmic powers as a First Person Shooter (FPS).
The Journey Towards Radiant Level
Typical of all competitive video games, Valorant follows a ranking system that’s not exactly the same as that of other games. Riot Games previously introduced changes that somehow made the grind for ranked games more challenging. Whereas before the advent of Act 1 of Episode 4, unranked players became eligible to queue for matched games just by completing 20 unrated games.
However, Riot Games changed this rule beginning Episode 4, requiring aspiring unranked players to attain a Level 20 account. The new rule meant completing more than 20 unrated games.
Although the ultimate goal of players in entering the Competitive Gaming Mode is to attain the Radiant rank, it’s still not as easy because the journey is quite long and arduous to achieve. Competitive gaming to become a perennial Radiant continues on a region-wide level.
Even if a player is able to surpass the Rank Rating of 450 in the Immortal Level, he does not automatically get promoted to Radiant Level. A highly-rated Immortal is only a candidate for Radiant ranking and can get promoted to full-fledged Radiant if he has successfully established himself as belonging to the group of top 500 Valorant players in his region.
You cannot expect to rest on your laurels either because you’re still not a Radiant even with an above 450 RR. Grinds continue in every season since you will have to prove your worth as a Radiant by landing a position as one of the the top 500 Valorant players in your region. You have to continue fighting because the moment you drop out of the leaderboard, you become a former Radiant until such time that you regain a top 500 position.
Who is a Radiant Agent in Valorant?
Valorant gamers who belong to the exclusive top 500 group of Valorant Agents in their region are called Radiants.
At that point, they have already developed a unique genetic makeup that reacts to an element called radianite. They absorb the emissions during certain events or a series of events.
Some examples of super powers allow a Radiant to manipulate or control non-hazardous but volatile radioactive materials by way of electromagnetic radiation. This ability allows Radiants to
construct armories, buildings, weapons and to shape organisms into any object they perceive as useful. Additionally, the Radiants Black suit gives the wearer a flight ability and at the same time super strength and capability to generate force that can cause cosmic blasts.